1. Jade from The Nature of Jade by Deb Caletti - I love Caletti's characters. They are so real, and learn to be so strong, and this one falls in love with a sweet guy with a baby, and they all spend time together on his grandmother's house boat in Seattle, and yes, I think I might like that sort of thing for 24 hours when the thing is new and there are no problems yet on the horizon.
2. Frodo from The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien - For the 24 hours before the whole thing with the evil ring and the dark lord and everything starts, while they're still in Hobbiton, celebrating Bilbo's eleventy-first birthday. That could be fun, right?
3. Laura from Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder - I was obsessed with Laura as a child. Seriously, I wanted to be her but maybe still get to keep my electricity and running water, too. Hmm.
4. Violet Mathers from Oh My Stars! by Lorna Landvik - Okay, yes, I picked the freakishly tall, one-armed woman with no self-esteem to change places with. But then, she also gets to manage and tour with a ground-breaking new band during the 1930s. She's fierce and she gets to hang out with the really handsome, really sweet, really in love with life lead singer of the band. He might not love her, but he makes a better friend than a lover anyway. ;-)
5. Lucy from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis - Who wouldn't want to be Lucy the first time she cracks open that wardrobe door and discovers a magical world behind it?
6. Kathleen from The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry by Kathleen Flinn - This is cheating, Kathleen's not a character, she's a person, but I'm choosing to think of her as a character in her own memoir of living in Paris and studying cooking at Le Cordon Bleu. Demanding? Sure, but at the end of the day, you're pursuing your dream and living in Paris. Ah, Paris, I must see you!
7. Daisy from How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff - At the beginning part, where she's meeting the cousins and everything is idyllic and almost alternate-universey but before the part with the unexpected incest (even if it's surprisingly undisturbing) and the war.
8. Any character from just about any Redwall book by Brain Jacques - I don't even need a full 24 hours, really, just long enough to eat one of those legendary Redwall Abbey feasts. Yum!
9. Mattie Gokey from A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly - I'd love to spend a day at the resort where she works and you know, still have all my life and my dreams coming true all spread out before me.
10. Prudence from Home to Woefield by Susan Juby - I would like to be this indefatigably optimistic, if only one day. I mean, who thinks they can run a farm with a grumpy old guy, a pasty celebrity gossip blogger who never did a day's hard work in his life, and a little girl with a penchant for raising chickens and actually makes it work? This girl!