Imagine my utter lack of surprise, then, while browsing at this store's little brother store to find The Longest Trip Home, a humorous and touching depiction of John Grogan's rather ordinary life nestled among the rest of the books in the - can you guess it? - animal section. But for a passing mention of a childhood pet and, of course, a brief mention of the infamous Marley that has little to no bearing on the rest of the memoir, this book has nothing at all to do with animals. While I love this store, this is one of the more irritating things about it. What a disservice they are doing to this book and many like it by mercilessly mis-categorizing them in order to avoid doing something so practical as creating a memoir/biography section which customers are often asking for leaving booksellers blundering about in their attempts to explain why so large a bookstore would fail to have such a section. Hiding books where no one would guess they would be and creating an impression that a book should have a certain subject matter that it really doesn't contain certainly doesn't do authors or readers any favors.
But, that's enough of me on my soapbox. I've got a book to review here, you know?

In The Longest Trip Home, John Grogan maps his journey from his idyllic suburban childhood with his fiercely Catholic parents into his adulthood as a journalist attempting to reconcile his own worldview with his parents' faith. Grogan's childhood in suburban Detroit is the epitome of everything his Catholic parents didn't have in their own childhoods' and wished for their children to have. Their chosen neighborhood is full of green backyards, features a private beach of sorts shared by the whole neighborhood, and most importantly contains a Catholic school to educate their four children.
Grogan's childhood is marked by his rebellions both small and large against his parents' rigidly held but well-intentioned Catholic morals. Though Grogan loves and respects his parents and sees them for the good people they are despite and perhaps because of their pious meddling, he can't seem to grasp their faith. Nonetheless, he paves over his indiscretions and lack of belief with lies big and small until, as he grows older and leaves for college, he realizes that he is living two lives in a desperate attempt not to disappoint the people he loves most. When the truth begins to come out, John and his parents will have to find away to cross the divide between his two lives.
The Longest Trip Home is a finely wrought tale of growing up. Grogan's anecdotes of his childhood and teenage antics as well as his pleas to God to deliver him from the consequence of his comical missteps are laugh out loud funny. Much more profound, though, is his chronicle of growing up and beginning to understand his parents for who they are and to understand himself in what he cannot share with them. Even so, his story is filled with the love and respect he has for his parents both as a child under their discipline and as an adult who knows that he will never share the intense faith that pervades his parents' lives. Grogan's story comes full circle as he returns, with his brothers and sister, to sit at his father's death bed, and it is here that the book is at its most powerful. John's last moments with his father are rendered so poignantly that I found myself crying as if I knew them both personally. Grogan's memoir is a quiet but powerful tale of what would be an ordinary life and an ordinary family were they not made extraordinary by their great love and Grogan's exemplary writing.
Standing there, I thought about spring's glide into summer, and summer's march to autumn, and the reliable promise of dawn in every setting sun. I thought about the old maple tree that fell in the yard and the young garden that flourished in its footprint. Mostly I thought about Dad and the exemplary life he had led - and, for all our differences, the indelible mark he had left on me.
This book was released in October 2008, and if you're looking for it at *cough*Borders*ahem, cough, cough* you can find it in the "Animal" section. ;-)
I don't think I'm ever going to understand how and why bookstores shelve their books. It makes no sense whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteThis, however, does sound like an intriguing book. I may wander down to my local bookstore - I wish we were important enough to have a Borders - to see if they have it.
Great review! I recently read Marley and Me and then saw a video of Mr. Grogan talking about The Longest Trip Home. I agree, I think he is a gifted writer.
ReplyDeleteWonderful review Megan! I'm adding this one to my TBR.
ReplyDeleteI added a link to your review on the ARC Challenge post.
Wonderful review, Megan! But that is just freakin' weird about Borders! I guess I've never had occasion to look for a bio/memoir there, so I never noticed. But that is just freakin' weird!
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that bizarre categorization (or lack of same) with memoirs at Borders too. What the...?
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great review! As a recovering Catholic myself, I'll probably look for this one when it comes out in paperback.
I don't approve of how that particular store shelves their books either. Tsk tsk.
ReplyDeleteThis book was sent to me but I have yet to read it. I'm looking forward to it though.
It is amazing the places some books end up in stores like that. This sounds like a great book, Megan!
ReplyDeleteCJ - My area (now) isn't quite significant enough to warrant a Borders either. The closest one is 45 minutes away. =/
ReplyDeletebkclubcare - thanks! I haven't read Marley and Me yet, but it's on my TBR pile. If this were a novel, it would be a "character study," so I was surprised at how engrossed he had me in his life by the end!
Thanks, Teddy! =D
Debi - thanks! Yeah, isn't it too weird? I probably wouldn't even know myself except that I, uh, worked there for a while. One of the questions on our "store tour" when you're a newbie was "Where's the biography section?" which is, obviously, a trick question. I remember standing in the middle of the store listening to a customer complain about our lack of such a section, and I joined her in complaining a bit too! I loved working there, but there were some definite quirks in their system.
Florinda - Doesn't it make you wonder who out in corporate Borders land is responsible for the handing down the almighty word on book categorization? It must be a tough job, but that's no excuse for...not trying.
Ti - Hope you enjoy it when you get around to it! =)
LF - Isn't it? Sometimes I wonder how anybody finds anything. I mean, I know books pretty well I suppose, but I never would think, "Oh hey, yeah, this will be in the animal section." Under "General dog care," no less!
I enjoyed reading the book, but I have a question regaring the injections (morphine and muscle relaxants)administered to Mr. Grogan's father to apparently ease/and or hasten his death as described on pages 307-308 and 312. Specifically: " override his breathing impulse and eliminate any gasping reflex.." "I don't think it will take very long."(307)
ReplyDelete"He will deeply relax and slip into unconsciousness and not feel any discomfort." " It [death] should come very quickly." (308) and the first two paragraphs on page 312.
Was this euthanasia?
I am not trying to be disrespectful, but just wondering if anyone else had the same impression.
Thanks in advance for any comments regarding this matter.
I sobbed when I finished this book. I bought Marley & Me after I read it, but haven't gotten to it yet.